Gardening for Chumps: The Theme Song

Sometimes it pays to have friends in high places- the kind of friends who invite you to a pool party at Shaquille O’Neils house, or who use their magical lawyer powers to get that pesky DUI charge dropped. I, on the other hand, don’t have friends who invite me to party with Puff Daddy in a hot tub, or who get my speeding ticket dropped from that time I may or may not have been doing 77 in a 50.

My friends hook me up with even better things. In fact, I think that I have the most talented friends around, and generous, too. Take, for example, my friend Benjamin Elliott*.

He wrote this song for us at Gardening for Chumps, and I hope it makes you as happy as it makes me.

If you happen to have the kind of friends who invite you to party with the stars, please play this song for Puff Daddy next time you’re in a hot tub with him. I bet “P.Diddy” is always looking for the next hot talent.

Thank you, Ben! You, Sir, are a man worth knowing.

*(You can check out some of Ben’s newest stuff at his SoundCloud page, and other neat stuff at his YouTube page or his MySpace page)

2 thoughts on “Gardening for Chumps: The Theme Song

  1. How great is that! It’s fantastic, clever and funny! I laughed. 🙂 I needed a good chuckle.
    It’s great to have such talented and kind friends, isn’t it?

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